september 27

The morning was a fine one. I woke up on my own with the sunrise and headed downstairs to make breakfast.
I cooked scrambled eggs with sliced vegetables and sausage, with herbal tea on the side and a smoothie for the coming heat.
I don’t have a soldering iron so when my headphones broke I tried using my blowtorch and needle to get the job done.
Heat a needle to its melting point, then use it to press the wire into the solder on the electrical plate.
Shit didn’t fly at all.
The stainless steel needle would cool down too much before I could apply it.
So with my needle being ruined(the tip kind of melted) I decided: oh what the hell and tried using the blowtorch on the headphone.
That didn’t really solve anything but it was fun.

So it looks like I’ll be ordering a new pair of headphones, a new needle (it’s a special tool kind that has a long handle) and a soldering iron.

Also I found this morning my math book finally. Some asshole (possibly me) thought it would be a good idea to push it under my drawers. I fell down on my knees and screamed: FUCK MEEEE FUCK MEEEEE FUCK MEEE as I had spent so much time and effort looking for the damn thing only to finally find it now.

Then I sat down to read a good short story of speculative fiction. “Repent, Harlequin!” Said the Ticktockman Glancing at the clock beside me the time ticked closer to my history class. But I just rolled my eyes back to the story I was reading. I would just run to school faster.

And I did.

I rolled into the classroom on my rollerblades just before the teacher called my name to hand me back my test.

It was a good morning.

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